I Will Give You A New Heart
The prophet Ezekiel tells us that if a people is to belong to God, they must begin with a new heart. This heart is not something they have acquired or conquered; it is, rather, a gift. The prophet goes on to say that this new heart alone will enable them to follow God’s statutes, ordinances, and rules, and not vice versa; this heart alone will seal them as members of God’s people. An interior reality within them, a new heart, will become the very foundation of their identity. The purpose of this essay is threefold. First, to propose that God’s fundamental gift to the Regnum Christi Movement is our specific devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Second, to understand the specific form this devotion takes in the Regnum Christi Movement. Finally, we will explore some practical means for the formation of our hearts according to our supreme model, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.